Proailurus was a medium sized cat with similar dimensions to a modern bobcat. Proailurus lemanensis Meet Proailurus, a cat-like creature from the early Miocene that is shrouded in taxonomic mystery. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CCLicense all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License additional terms may apply. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page.
It is an ancestor of today s felines and pantherines as well as the extinct machairodont saber-tooths, and is a successor to Proailurus. Proailurus lemanensi Filhol, 17Proailurus was a prehistoric carnivore that lived in Europe and Asia approximately million years ago in the Late Oligocene and Miocene.
Proailurus was a compact and small animal, just a little larger than the domestic cat, weighing about kg. Although the dentition of Proailurus does differ to modern cats with slightly different dental topography and the reduction of certain elements, overall dental characteristics show a remarkable resemblance to living felids (Werdelin et. It was first discovered during the late 19th century and was named by Henri Filhol in 1879.
Its claws would have been retractable to some extent.
PROAILURUS : definition of PROAILURUS and synonyms of
About Proailurus Proailurus is a carnivorous cat which lived approximately million to million years ago from the Late Oligocene Period through the Early Miocene Period. This page was last edited on, at 01:00. It originated from Eurasia and was the first felid to reach North America, when it entered the continent at about 1 Ma ending a cat-gap of million years. Proailurus was a compact and small animal, just a little larger than the domestic cat, weighing about lb (kg). It had a long tail, large eyes and sharp claws and teeth, with similar proportions to the modern viverrids.
Lemanensis has the most extensive fossil record and is illustrated below in figure 1. Proailurus lemanensis was a compact and small animal, just a little larger than the domestic cat, weighing about lb (kg). PROAILURUS : definition of PROAILURUS and synonyms of. Its fossils have been found in Europe and Asia, dating back 25-20million years.
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